Parenting Tweens and Teaching Consent With Hillary Frank

From first crushes to friend drama, young adult novelist and radio producer Hillary Frank discusses the trials of tweendom and how to approach tricky topics.

44 Min

Let’s be real: Middle school is tough. Whether you’re the parent of a tween or having flashbacks to 7th grade, almost all of us can relate to the trickiness of pre-teen years. Body changes, hormones, first crushes, rejection, bullying, friend drama… There’s a lot going on. How can we support our kids (and ourselves) through the trials of tweendom? That’s the question Dr. Becky discusses with this week’s guest, award-winning young adult author and radio producer Hillary Frank. Inspired by Hillary’s latest project, a fictional podcast about middle school called Here Lies Me, the two talk about difficult peer dynamics and the foundational skills kids need to navigate issues like consent, harassment, and belonging. Their conversation emphasizes the importance of talking to our kids about tricky topics—even before they enter the tween years—and empowers you with practical strategies and scripts to have those conversations.

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